Membership Sign-up FormUse the Form below to sign up with Scenic Montana Trails.
Please click the appropriate membership classification to let us know what's important to you (or what group you came from). And you have the option of adding on a little money to help offset various costs for trail maintenance and the credit card transactions we incur...thank you! If you wish to sign up manually and you don't have an email address, you can still do so! Just use our mail in form and send your check to the address shown.
We offer either online or paper mail-in member registration or renewal.
You don't have to use a credit can still sign up and send us a check! Just select "Mail in Membership Form at the bottom of this page." Your membership will run for 12 months from your registration or renewal date. Thanks for your understanding and patience. We hope we set this up correctly, but if something doesn't quite work right, please let us's easy to fix! If you signed up and haven't seen any email, please check your spam or junk email folders. You can also email us at [email protected] Thanks again for your support! |